Attitude is B Corp!
A for Attitude, B for B Corp...
We've been keeping to this commitment for over 15 years now, and we’ve been rewarded with the B Corp label! This is a tough-to-get international certification that assesses and values the impact of companies on society and the environment. What a milestone!
What is B Corp exactly?
B Corp stands for Benefit Corporation. The letter to remember is the B: it stands for ‘Beneficial to humans and the living world of which they are a part’.
Supported by the NGO B Lab, this label rewards good corporate practice in terms of social, societal and environmental impact, and outlines a path of progress and sustainable transformation. It is one of the most difficult international certifications to obtain: it follows a demanding evaluation process, renewed every two years.
More than just a label, B Corp is a collective movement of companies united around shared values and concrete ambitions.
It's B Corp Month!
That's something to celebrate !
As a Certified B Corporation™, we believe there’s a better way to do tourism, one driven by purpose and action.
It’s about using business as a force for good.
And our score?
92 points, That's our B Corp score! Bear in mind that you need at least 80 to be certified! To achieve this (good) score, we:
• Spent 15 months gathering data,
• Answered 280 demanding questions on 5 specific impact criteria:
(environment, employees, governance, customers and community),
• Submitted over 400 documents proving our commitments,
• Strengthened certain practices to be 100% in line with the label's standards
Put another way: with B Corp, we're not just pretending!
How did we get here?
We don't have a miracle recipe, but we've been working hard for 15 years to offer holidays that are good for those who experience them (our customers), and for those who make them happen (our teams and stakeholders). All the while respecting the natural world around us as much as possible.
We won't give you an exhaustive list of all of our actions here, but we will mention just a few:
So, what's next?
We're not stopping there! For the past 15 years, we've been committed to continuous improvement – and B Corp is helping us to go even further. Thanks to targeted tools and recommendations, we have everything we need to define our roadmap for the coming years
What's more, certification doesn't last forever. Every three years, we have to provide evidence of our commitments to maintain our status as a B Corp company.